If you have ever watched any of those health related TV shows like ‘Dr. Oz’ or ‘The Doctors’, you would get the impression that it’s extremely difficult to lose weight fast. They’ll tell you that it can take month after month to shed the pounds, and sometimes even years. But I’m here today to tell you that that is simple not true.

My name is Brian and I am the creator of The 3 Week Diet. I have spent years researching and working with nutritionists and dieticians to develop a diet system that is so advanced and effective that it is able to help you lose 1 lb of pure body fat every single day. Over the course of 3 weeks on the diet, you can lose more than 20 pounds of fat off your belly, butt, hips, and thighs and achieve the body of your dreams with little to no exercise involved. But how is this possible?

As you would know, the human body is highly adaptable. If you cut your finger, the body would heal itself in a matter of days – regenerating new cells as soon as the change is noticed. Well, if you make a big enough change to your diet, the body can adapt right away too by burning fat in your body at a rapid speed. But what you need to do to kick start this change? Is it exercise? Cutting certain foods out of your diet? Drinking a special tea? Eating certain berries? No, it is none of those things. In fact, it is much more simple than you’d think.

You see, the human metabolism is like a furnace for your body. It burns up every source of fuel inside your body – from food you have eaten, to fat that has been stored. But, one thing you have to know about the metabolism is that it will burn what was last eaten first, before it starts burning the fat on your body. As a result, by the end of the day, no matter what you have eaten, your body won’t have had time to start burning the fat from around your body. But what if you could change this? What if you could make it so your metabolism actually prefers to burn the fat in your body first, and then burns the food you have eaten?

Think about a campfire. What would happen if you poured a gallon of gasoline onto the fire? It would go up in flames and burn a thousand times more! Well, fat is a fuel source just like gasoline. If your metabolism gets that fat from your body and starts burning it, it makes the metabolism even stronger and more powerful, so it continues to burn even more fat in the process. You see, it is like a cyclic effect. The more fat your metabolism burns, the more fuel it will have to burn, and in turn it will burn even more fat! So what do you do to get this started?

To make the switch so that your metabolism starts burning body fat first, you need to include some very specific foods into your diet. This doesn’t mean you have to restrict yourself to eating certain types of foods like ‘low carb’ or ‘high protein’, but it just means you need to add some secret foods to your current diet. These foods are quite unknown, but they contain metabolism-shifting properties that initiate the fat burning process. You can get all these foods at your local supermarket and they won’t cost you any more than a candy bar. Plus, they don’t taste bad either!

I have made a list and plan of all these foods on my website at The 3 Week Diet. I explain how each of them works, and how much fat they are able to melt. Keep in mind, this is all based off years of scientific research and there is medical data to back this up. So, if you are looking to lose weight fast, The 3 Week Diet is the best way to do so. No other diet allows you to lose this much fat as quickly, and lets you keep it off for good.

Check out The 3 Week Diet and start losing weight today!

Are you looking to lose weight quickly? Are you sick of all the scams out there like diet pills and infomercial products that promise the world but don’t deliver? Then I have the solution for you!

Everybody says that weight loss is an extremely difficult task that takes months and sometimes years, and that you have to eat terribly boring foods to see any results. I know for a fact that this is not true because I lost over 20 pounds in only 21 days using a secret diet I found online.

I was in the exact same situation you are in now. I was overweight, lazy, and hated my body. I didn’t feel sexy, or slim, and I hated buying new clothes because I knew I always had to buy extra large size. I had tried all the diets out there – from the low carb diet, the sugar free diet, the cabbage soup diet, the mango diet, the acai berry diet, and frankly, none of them worked for me. I had tried going to the gym regularly to exercise but honestly, when you are a full-time mother with 3 kids, who has the energy to workout every day for hours on end? Then, I discovered The 3 Week Diet Plan and my life changed.

I was doing some searching on Google one day for “extreme diets”. You know, not the types of diets that take months of slow, boring progress, but the “rapid” diets that work fast. I came across an article by a world class nutritionist who said he had tried a program called The 3 Week Diet and was able to lose 1 lb of body fat a day for 3 weeks by following it.

I could hardly believe it. 1lb of fat per day? I didn’t think it was possible. My goal that I had been trying for years to achieve was to lose 20 pounds. And this diet was promising that I could achieve that in only 20 days! All those years of feeling frustrated and disgusted by my body would be over in an instant. I visited The 3 Week Diet Plan and watched the video where the doctor explained how he was able to create a scientific method to burn the fat fast, without using diet pills or exercise. I had never heard someone explain a diet like this before, but everything he said made 100% sense to me.

I quickly joined The 3 Week Diet and begun the process of losing weight quickly. Day 1 of following the diet, I lost half a pound of fat. Not bad. Day 2 on the diet and I lost a massive 2 lbs of fat! By the end of the first week I had lost near 10 lbs of pure body fat. My stomach was slimmer, my butt was firmer, and I could actually fit comfortably into a nice pair of jeans!

I followed the diet for the entire course of 3 weeks, and by the end of it, I had lost a staggering 25 pounds! That was more than I had expected! Friends and family were commenting how much weight I had lost, and I was getting looks from young men half my age! I had never felt healthier or happier in my entire life. I could now wear any outfit I wanted, I felt more confident. My husband was so pleased and excited. He loved my new body and our sex life improved dramatically!

I owe it all to The 3 Week Diet Plan. It changed my life and it allowed me to lose so much fat off my body without having to starve myself or do strenuous exercise. It was honestly so easy to follow and keep up with.

The 3 Week Diet is an extreme diet for rapid weight loss that shows you how you can lose over 20 pounds of pure body fat in just 3 weeks. Whether you want to lose weight off your belly, hips, butt, or thighs, The 3 Week Diet Plan is fastest way to lose weight quickly without diet pills or exercise. Speed up your metabolism and discover the secret foods you need to eat to burn the fat off fast with this diet used by A list celebrities and professional athletes.

Click Here Now For More Infos On The 3 Week Diet!

More and more people are finding success with the 3 week diet that was created by Brian Flatt, personal trainer and nutritionist. This particular diet program has been helping people lose between 12 and 23 pounds in just three weeks or 21 days.
According to author, The 3 Week Diet has been scientifically tested and found to work on all types of people, regardless of their fitness level or body type. On average, people lose between 12 and 23 pounds using the diet, although reports have also suggested the actual amount is a lot higher. What really sets this diet apart, however, is that it is not a crash diet, but rather a way of changing a lifestyle.
"We have implemented the 3 pound rule in our program," added Brian Flatt. "This basically means that, after completing the three week diet, people start with it again if they gain 3 pounds in weight. As a result, the weight will always stay off."
Brian Flatt is a fitness instructor, a health coach and a sporting dietician who has been in the wellness and fitness field for several years. He is the manager of REV Fitness, a personal training center located in Southern California. Brian is a certified dietitian who in this program details exactly what women and men must to do in order to stay fit and healthy. This program focuses on the body weight loss trifecta of motivation, dieting and exercise and is designed to produce effective outcomes. This diet program is designed for individuals who do not want to go through severe diet plans and want to adhere to the excellent healthy tips indicated in his program.
Those who are interested to find out more about Brian's program and learn more about what this weight loss system includes can visit his website. This explains products like the introduction manual, diet manual, workout manual, and mindset and motivation manual. All of these books include instructive and useful information on how to get the most out of the diet, what type of nutrition is best suited for weight loss, as well as motivational tips and tricks to keep users going throughout the weight loss process. The workout manual, for example, includes important information on how to exercise for burning fat, rather than just doing random workout routines which may help tone after weight loss but won't get rid of stubborn fat while working toward weight loss goals.

Over 160,000 women and men are using a simple and secret “water hack” to drop 1-2lbs every night as they sleep.

It’s easy and works every time.

Here’s how to do it yourself:

….. 1) Grab a clear glass and fill it half full

….. 2) And then do this strange hack

and be 2lbs lighter in the morning!

PS. There is no doubt the billion dollar weight loss industry do not want you to see this video and discover the amazing fat burning secret! Watch it now before the video is taken down.

Grace a 46 year old mom of 3, was close to giving up…

She had struggled for over a decade to lose weight...

She’d tried everything…

That is, until she found this “odd” morning hack and dropped 62lbs in less than 8 weeks!

James also used this hack to lose 34lbs and his snoring disappeared!

Dianna, who was scared of trying on clothes at the mall, lost a huge 49lbs and now goes shopping stress free.

I can’t’ wait for you to see their incredible transformations yourself…


P.S. Can you really burn pounds of stubborn fat away with a simple “morning hack”? See how, here… and make sure you check out the before & after transformations too. These photos are AMAZING.

I must send you this NOW before it expires….

Over the past few days I’ve been telling you about a NEW 5-second “water hack” that crushes food cravings and melts 62lbs of fat…

I know the video is long and you probably don’t have time to watch the whole thing, so…

I had it transcribed for you, so you can read it whenever you have a few minutes…


PS. This transcript will expire shortly, so please read it now while you can!

Research Shows that This Simple 7 Day Plan Burns 7 to 10 Pounds of Fat.

Overweight people are as much as 1,200% more likely to develop diabetes.

Excess body fat is a ticking bomb ready to blow your life into pieces.

Not worried about diabetes? Okay, here’s what else fat has been proven to do:

  • Chronic pain in your head, back and joints – Day after day you feel miserable with no end in sight.
  • Always feeling tired and lacking energy… you slog through your day and then find that you don’t sleep worth a damn at the end of it!
  • Dramatic risk of heart disease, cancer and stroke constantly stalks you.
  • Risk of depression and even brain diseases like Alzheimer’s… enough said.

I know it’s hard to break the cycle. In fact, I know why it’s hard – and the truth is that it’s not really your fault.

See, I dealt with a weight problem for years…

Hell, I was 40 pounds overweight, and for a woman of 5 foot 5, that’s pretty much obese!

I used to hate the looks I’d get… like I was doing something wrong just by being fat and doing it around them!

People looked down on me and figured I was just lazy and didn’t care about how I looked…

In truth, I was actually trying all kinds of stuff to drop the weight. It’s a lot tougher than most people know… and that’s because most people don’t know how the body actually works and how to get the body to burn rather than store fat.

I tried diets, fasts, fad workouts and nothing really helped. I’d lose a few pounds but never really seemed to look better or feel better, for that matter. Even when I ate organic healthy foods, it didn’t seems to do anything for me long term.

And did I put the runners on and hit the streets? Sure did – and as it turns out, this was actually hurting me rather than helping!

I just felt awful, physically and mentally… I was ready to give up until I saw an ad on a Facebook group I was part of.

This guy Brian Flatt was hosting a free weight loss seminar at the gym I belonged to. I’d heard of him before, although I didn’t really know much. It was free, so I figured what did I have to lose?

Brian’s talk really opened my eyes and opened a door to a better life for me… and the shocking part was that the true way to lose weight is simpler than you might think…

It’s all about using your body’s own bio-chemistry. See, the body does 2 things very efficiently…

Your body converts fats, sugars, proteins and carbohydrates to body fat… and your body converts body fat into energy by burning it away!

If you’re anything like me… and every other human being on the planet, then the first thing is easy.

The surprising thing is that your body is really just as good at burning fat away as it is at storing it… under the right conditions.

The trouble is that most of our bodies spend 5 times as long creating fat as they do burning it. Think about that – 20 hours of each day storing fat cells and only 4 burning them away…

Not a good radio, right?

We’re supposed to balance these two things out, but modern life has made that next to impossible.

Brian not only educated us, he asked for volunteers to try out his new 1 Week Diet program – a slimmed down version of his other successful 3 Week and 2 Week Diet systems.

He said that if I did exactly what he said, I could lose 7 to 10 pounds in that week, and here’s how:

  • To start, Brian showed me how to flush my body out and make way for the good stuff that was going to help me burn fat.
  • Then he showed me how to triple my fat burning timeframe from 4 to 12 hours a day and I watched as the weight dropped off every single day!

I look and feel great now. I dropped 40 pounds overall, narrowly missing the onrushing diabetes train and heart disease which was threatening me. My depression went away and I even met my new husband shortly afterward!

Brian literally saved my life!

1 week, 1 simple step by step program and up to 10 pounds!

No starvation, no crazy foods, no hours in the gym and no gruelling cardio – just simple science based on ancient wisdom…

  • Debbie Hayes

Hey, Brian Flatt here,

Debbie is one of my most heart-warming success stories. She’s living proof that you really can change your bio-chemistry and kick up your metabolism safely and effectively without a huge investment in money or time.

My 1 Week Diet is not just based on other things I’ve done, but ironically, an experience by my still healthy 94 year old grandfather. Graham Flatt was a pilot in WW2 and after a near fatal crash, was nursed back to health by a kind family living in Okinawa.

Their robust health and longevity secrets were passed on to granddad and they’re contained in the 1 Week Diet. Based on ancient Japanese wisdom and backed by proven science.

(Who wouldn’t be excited about losing one pound a day?)

The program is very simple. Yet it’s the ramped up metabolism that burns fat for half the day that really gets people excited. I’ve seen some folks lose as much as 3 pounds in 1 day!

Yes, that’s actually happening!

Now you can’t do that every day, it’s not healthy. But that kind of initial burst is a great motivator, wouldn’t you say?

Losing Weight Is freedom… its freedom from disease… its freedom from those condescending looks… its freedom to enjoy life to the fullest.

For Debbie, it was more than just looking sexier in her bride’s maid’s dress.

It was like getting her sight back after years of blindness. It was like waking up from a nightmare and realizing that her good dreams were starting to come true instead.

She had the energy to play with her kids, the confidence to land a great new relationship and the positive outlook to face life with hope and happiness.

Her depression was gone, her aches and pains a thing of the past and she wakes up every morning feeling refreshed and vibrant!

Debbie and I and the thousands of others who have tried the 1 Week Diet want you to join our family.

We want you to experience the amazing transformation of losing 7 to 10 pounds in a single week.

We want you to realize that despite any failures you’ve ever had in your weight loss journey that you truly can turn the tables and get where you want to be.

It doesn’t take months, and it doesn’t take a huge chunk of money, either.

No weird foods, no starvation, no drugs or pills, no hours in the weight room and no endless running.

Just a simple way to naturally and safely turn your body into a fat burning machine – the way that it was designed to work in the first place!

You can’t afford not to take a look.

Click this link and watch my free video on the 1 Week Diet and see how it works and why I believe so strongly in this program.

I’m not out to make a bundle off of you. I do charge a small fee for the system so that I can support my website and help me to get the word out.

And hey, if you try the 1 Week Diet and don’t lose 7 to 10 pounds of fat in the first week… if you don’t think it’s for you, you have 60 days to tell me you’ve changed your mind and I’ll give you 100% of your money back.

You’ve got nothing to lose except years of stubborn body fat – so click this link and check it out for yourself!